Emergence of Storybook The arrival of components to the web was a breakthrough for web application development, allowing the creation of reusable elements, and with it the emergence of Frameworks and libraries such as ReactJs, VueJs, and AngularJs, with the aim of further promoting this idea. But there were no tools to organize these components […]
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Dofleini Software among the first 35 MSMEs approved in Cuba
On Wednesday, September 29, the first 35 MSMEs were approved as part of the policy for the improvement of economic actors in Cuba, including Dofleini Software. By publishing the list of approved entities (32 private and three state-owned), the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) informed that these entities may proceed with their incorporation as […]
What to consider when hiring an IT support company?
Some small and medium-sized businesses may be hesitant to hire an IT support company. It is understandable that they are not very clear about what kind of services they need to hire, but it is important to know that help is required to perform computer maintenance tasks. In addition, it is very likely that, if […]
Casa Editora Abril, the private micro-enterprise Dofleini Software and Cuba’s telecommunications company ETECSA join forces. The result is a virtual store. The idea has been sailing for a year; step by step the inadequacies were adjusted; the strengths were perfected and the dreams to be fulfilled were outlined. We were motivated by the growing acceptance […]
How do we at Dofleini test usability while saving time and cost?
For an application to be successful, the design must be user-friendly and work according to the user’s expectations. This makes usability testing, together with functional testing, a fundamental tool to implement improvements in the products and applications we develop, and also to understand how users interact with them and how easy it is for them […]
From Terraform to Terraform Cloud. Part 1, the beginnings
Getting to know Terraform Terraform is one of the most used and demanded tools for Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) deployment. We cannot go directly to Terraform Cloud without first addressing essential aspects of our organization, which make this tool an indispensable element of our day-to-day. Its use by DevOps teams is essential to organize, orchestrate and maintain […]
Concurrent programming on AWS lambdas
Concurrent programming is when an algorithm executes several processes at the same time, reducing, in most cases, the time needed to obtain a result. This is done regardless of the amount of CPU the PC on which we deploy the program has. When developing applications in the cloud, using for example AWS, this type of […]