How to do it! Dofleini: AWS Amplify

From the hand of Renier Ricardo Figueredo, one of our developers, comes this kind of tutorial on a set of tools that can facilitate your work developing web and mobile applications on AWS.

AWS Amplify is a set of tools to develop web and mobile applications on AWS, facilitating the use of the rest of the services in a very simple way.

To create and manage applications we have two essential elements:

  • Amplify CLI, which allows us to create the different components within the application.
  • Amplify Studio, which is a tool where we can visually create database tables, see the functions we have, security, etc.

Start a project:

  • Amplify init: This command will create a folder with the name amplify where the backend code and all the configuration for the different AWS services that we are going to use will be.

Inside the src folder we will have a file with the name aws-exports.js that will have the configuration to access all the services from the frontend.AWS Amplify


The next step is to add the categories. A category is the union of several technologies that are added and configured together. Some examples are:

  • – Auth: Adds in the project everything related to security. Basically it configures AWS Cognito, UserPool, UserClient, etc.
  • – Functions: These are basically the lambdas, but here it allows us to easily configure other aspects such as security, configure Schedule, etc.
  • – Api: This can be either REST or GraphQL.
  • – DataStore: DynamoDB databases, data management, etc. An interesting point is that it allows to work with the data from the client application allowing offline work and greater reactivity, then Amplify using GraphQL, is responsible for synchronizing the data with the backend.

In short, the great advantage of AWS Amplify is the possibility of creating and configuring web and mobile applications, quite sophisticated and in an easy and fast way, without having to generate code. It also stands out for its performance, adaptability and security.

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