Dofleini at Informática Habana 2022

Dofleini Desarrollo Software

Today, Monday, March 21, begins the XVIII Edition of the Convention and International Computer Fair 2022, which will take place from March 21 to 25, 2022. With the slogan “Together for the digital transformation”, the fair constitutes the ideal space for the various actors of the economic panorama on the Island and in other latitudes, can promote the use of technologies for productive linkages and exploit business opportunities and exchanges with foreign counterparts.

Dofleini Software offers two products from its catalogue:

DFL Site

DFL sites
DFL site: Create in minutes your websites or those of your customers, be fast and different

DFL SITE Advantages

  • Create your own websites
  • Use different professional templates
  • Have access to various website taxonomies
  • Take advantage of good SEO practices

DFL SITE Benefits

  • No-Code Tool
  • No expertise is required to use it
  • You can have a domain name, although you can use the one you already have
  • No management costs, infrastructure, IT security, or upgrades

Technological Observatory

Observatorio Tecnológico
Technological Observatory: Decision-making based on accessible and quality information, based on a business knowledge base

DFL Observatory Advantages

  • Obtain, classify, and personalize information
  • Quick and orderly access to what you are looking for
  • Identify experts on your areas of work
  • Generation of alerts on new content of interest

DFL Observatory Benefits

  • Secure and centralized information, easily accessible
  • Information repository with integrations to external and internal data sources
  • Tool for technology surveillance and business intelligence

March 23rd

🤩 Fair Diary. What is Dofleini up to?

⭐️ Today was the launch of DFL Site, the web application that will allow you to create the website of your business/company/institution without having to write a single code, just using your creativity. You can read more about it here

🤝 We talked to the teams from Gedeme and that of the Technological University of Havana searching for the possibilities of joint projects. Collaborations are on the way and we are very excited!

👩🏻‍💻An interesting event? The conference “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Society” was one of the events we attended. Given by Ph.D. Rafael Bello Pérez Cargo, Professor at the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas.

✌🏻Dofleini’s stand was visited by more than a dozen of participants, among which we are grateful for the interest of the Conexión Cuba program, as well as the dialogue with Eng. Wilfredo González Vidal, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Communications of Cuba, and Aylin Febles, president of the Union of Computer Scientists of #Cuba.

😎 Tomorrow we will return to Stands 17 and 18 of the Convention Center and the Virtual Stand to continue sharing with all visitors and exhibitors. Together for the digital transformation!
#Informatica2022 #DofleiniSoftware #softwarecubano #transformacióndigital #Cuba #softwareengineering #softwaredeveloper #mipymes #Cubainformatiza

March 24th

🤩 Fair Diary. What is Dofleini up to?
⭐️ Our participation in the great technology fair in Cuba continues.
📌 Today we continue to promote our products and services at Stands 17 and 18 in the Convention Center, Havana-Cuba, and exchanging with other exhibitors and participants.
😉 Want to know more about it? Check out the image gallery
🤝 During the day we exchanged with representatives of Movitel, ETI, ETECSA, ONAT, and the Scientific and Technological Park of Matanzas, seeing with the latter the possibility of showing DFL Site as a product that could contribute to the Varadero Digital City strategy.
👍🏻 We also had a very interesting dialogue with AVANGENIO MSMEs and highlighted the intention to find points of professional collaboration.
😊 What can we say? The entire Dofleini team is happy with every conversation, we have learned a lot during these days and also found lots of possibilities to work together.
👩🏻‍💻 An interesting event? the keynote lecture “Training of public administration to citizen-centered e-government”, given by the director of the E-government Training program in Estonia, Annela Kiirats.
✌🏻 To our delight, the Dofleini stand was visited by a large group of visitors exhibitors, academics, and representatives of Cuban scientific institutions.
😎 Tomorrow we return to Stands 17 and 18 of the Convention Center and to the Virtual Stand to continue sharing with all visitors and exhibitors.
Together for the Digital Transformation! 🇨🇺

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