As part of a strategy to update its business model and taking advantage of the “Informática 2022” International Fair, the technology-based MSME Dofleini S.R.L. presented DFL Observatory, a digital tool designed to manage information in a classified and personalized way, based on the user’s specifications.

Carlos Miguel Pérez Reyes, president of the MSME Dofleini S.R.L., explained to Juventud Técnica that DFL Observatory is part of the efforts to provide the public with access to organized and quality information. “It is part of the transition from the so-called ‘Information Society’ to the ‘Knowledge Society’,” he said.
In this sense, the purpose of DFL Observatory is to generate access to different information sources selected by the client. These information resources can be of any kind, from websites and scientific journals, to FTP sites, e-mails and instant messaging chats. All this content is indexed by the software, recognizing entities, authors, dates, origins and types of documents, allowing organized and private search for information.
“The product works like a search engine, but instead of searching the almost infinite universe of the Internet, it concentrates on those sources predefined by the client,” explained Otto Batista, Dofleini’s Commercial Specialist.
“These sources are selected and requested by the user because he considers them to be truthful, useful and of high quality”, he added.
The software is installed on the user’s servers, whether owned or rented, and the process of establishing the fonts is carried out during the deployment stage. However, the entity receiving the service has the possibility of making its own modifications to the sources, either to add some or remove others.
It also provides the possibility of establishing experts, i.e., defining professionals that the user recognizes as authorities in a certain branch of knowledge related to his or her interests. In this way, specialized consultations that may arise from the research process are facilitated.
Another important aspect is that the tool can be updated automatically with a pre-established periodicity. For this, the developers recommend scheduling night hours, due to the fact that it is a high bandwidth-demanding activity.
“With all this – added the Commercial Specialist – it is feasible to create a business ecosystem for knowledge and information management, which helps decision making”.
DFL Observatory is configured from another Dofleini product, DFL Site, also presented in this version of “Informática 2022”. This second tool is designed to create websites easily and quickly, even for users who are not familiar with new info communications technologies.
According to Dofleini’s President, these steps are components of a strategy to update the entity’s business model. The interest is to move from the development of software customized to the client’s needs, to the generation of services that offer the possibility of being used by many people. This is what is internationally known as software as a service (SAAS).
Our company has as success stories the development and maintenance of two sites in different institutions where we have been adjusting and perfecting more DFL Observatory together with them, from good practices to code modifications to give a better service and understanding of the tool to those who work with it every day.