For some time now, the use of Context has been popular to solve the problem of sharing global status within a complex hierarchy of components on a page or part of a page, and avoiding prop-drilling. Although it is not recommended to use Context for complex situations involving multiple status, as it can involve multiple […]
Extending Storybook to Simulate API Responses with Mock Service Worker (Part 2)
Introduction To make our components work alone, one of the advantages we have to take advantage of Storybook is to make use of its extensions. Today we will be talking about how to integrate Storybook with Mock Service Worker, a tool to simulate our API responses when we make REST-like requests with axios or fetch. […]
Are you an enthusiastic programmer?
We want to start the week with these suggestions. We bring you 5 websites that we recommend you to take a look at. Ideal combinations for the design and creation of websites. Uplabs: offers designers and programmers a platform where they can share their files to develop mobile and web applications. Undraw: Ideal for creating […]